Raspberry Pi_Eng_07.4.1 Features of Desktop

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All of IOT Starting with the Latest Raspberry Pi from Beginner to Advanced – Volume 1
All of IOT Starting with the Latest Raspberry Pi from Beginner to Advanced – Volume 2

출판된 한글판 도서

최신 라즈베리파이(Raspberry Pi)로 시작하는 사물인터넷(IOT)의 모든 것 – 초보에서 고급까지 (상)
최신 라즈베리파이(Raspberry Pi)로 시작하는 사물인터넷(IOT)의 모든 것 – 초보에서 고급까지 (하)

Original Book Contents

7.4   Detail Structure of Desktop Area


7.4.1     Features of Desktop


Figure 7‑13 Detail structure of the window desktop area


   Execution icon

If you click the icon, the connected program will be executed automatically.



It means the folder created in the system. If you click the icon, [File Manager] is automatically executed and the data of the specified folder is displayed on the screen.



It means all the basic space of desktop.



It means a picture or photo that is specifically displayed on the screen. It can be placed in Background in various forms depending on the way it is expressed.


The following is a screen when a specific program is executed and a window displays.




   Execution window

When a specific program is executed, a window for indicating the program is displayed on the desktop.


   Active window

It means the window which is the frontmost currently and means the window which can input with mouse or keyboard.


   Inactive window

This means the window that is currently hidden behind and means the window that can input by the mouse or keyboard.