Raspberry Pi_Eng_05.1 Meaning of Booting

5.1 System Booting

5.1.1 Meaning of Booting

Once the operating system is installed on the system, the system can be started. Booting is the process by which an installed operating system program starts to work, read all the basic programs needed for system operation from the storage device, move it into memory, and then make it ready to run.

Raspberry Pi_Eng_05.0 Chapter 5 System Startup and Shutdown

Chapter 5 System Startup and Shutdown

Chapter’s Main Topics

This chapter describes how to operate the Raspberry Pi system with the operating system installed. It describes the basic procedures for how to start, use, and exit the system.

It includes descriptions on the following topics:
■ System booting

■ System logon

■ System logout

■ System shutdown